George – Scholarship Recipient
My camp experience was very enjoyable and entertaining, from all the pleasurable activities I participated in, such as rock-climbing and canoeing, to the exciting birding trips to Rocky Mountain National Park. I really enjoyed watching and taking notes of not only the bird life but other living things like plants and insects at my sit spot. My sit-spot was located in the meadow, where I found a small Quaking Aspen grove with a few large Ponderosa Pines.
I am tremendously appreciative of the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies for providing this opportunity for young avian and nature enthusiasts. Read more about George’s experience Read about George’s return experience
Juniper – Scholarship Recipient
At the Audubon bird camp, I learned a lot about myself. Here are a few examples: I act more mature when I’m around older kids, and when I’m focused and “in the moment.” When I’m around new friends that don’t know me very well, I can be myself. I know that the Audubon bird camp helped me to love the outdoors even more than I already do. I will also share with my friends what I know and help them understand why it’s essential to protect the environment. Read more about Juniper’s experience Read about Juniper’s return experience
Hannah – Bird Camp Scholarship Recipient
“Everyday was a new experience. We went on different hikes to look for any kind of bird that crossed our path. I managed to identify a lot of birds throughout the week. Over all, as a group, we found over 87 different species. I would have never known about birding or even tried it if I hadn’t gone (awarded) to birding camp by Roaring Fork Audubon. I want to keep coming back because of all the great people I met and the amazing birds I was able to see and learn about.” – Read more about Hannah’s experience here
Madalynn – Bird Camp Scholarship Recipient
“One of the best things about the trip was that we did this thing called “sit spots” which is where we picked a spot in nature either around a pond, in the forest, or in the meadow, and we sat in this spot for a little while each day and sketched or wrote about what we observed, notice, or how we felt. Each day we walked to the pond, once we came around the corner and two moose where standing on the opposite side of the pond! This a great example of how amazing nature is to be in” Read more about Madalynn’s experience here
Elsie Birding Camp Scholarship Recipient
“I am so grateful for this opportunity. We learned how to draw …learned about jobs in conservation and how to work to conserve anything in the natural world. Everyone in my group came away feeling empowered to do their best to conserve the birds. We were inspired to keep learning and keep being curious about our bird friends. Thank you to Roaring Fork Audubon for making this incredible experience possible for me.” –Read Elsie Weiss’ entire article about Birding Camping here.