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Support the Roaring Fork Audubon
As your all-volunteer Roaring Fork Audubon Society Board, we work diligently to help protect the birds and other animals in our Valley.
As we witness the miracle of mass migration, we are reminded of our commitment to these amazing animals that have flown from as far away as South America to nest in our Valley.
Native bird populations across the nation are declining. We feel it is the duty of each of us to help sustain their populations
Roaring Fork Audubon is a 501c3 #84-0731814
Donations help protect our native birds, mammals & the habitat they depend on.
Roaring Fork Audubon has many opportunities for volunteers of all ages.
Your Roaring Fork Audubon - Always working to protect our native birds
Donate by mail
Please send your donation to:
P.O. BOX 1192
Roaring Fork Audubon
Thank you for your support!
Working for you
Roaring Fork Audubon's All Volunteer Board Works Hard to Protect Our Native Birds and The Habitat They Depend On. Our mission is to speak for our wildlife that has no voice, especially our birds. Habitat required by our native birds and other wildlife is slowly being paved, improved and developed. Most of our birds are in decline, and many are in steep decline; in the last 60 years we have lost more than one-third. As we watch our bird numbers decline, we also see our valley developing at a rapid pace. We watch as our native animals' habitats are consumed piece by piece. As we increase our population numbers, the pressure for recreational development increases exponentially. One of the pressures we are wrestling with in our valley is trail development. Much of this development takes place in the most precious and sensitive nesting, resting and feeding habitats required by our animals. With habitat loss causing much of our birds' decline, protecting it is paramount. Sadly, most do not think that our recreational desires have much negative impact; but they do. A common misconception is that, if a bird's habitat is impacted by trail development, the bird will fly to an adjacent area to breed. Birds heavily dispute and defend their territories; and, with habitat loss, this leaves many birds with nowhere to relocate, breed and survive. If we don't vigorously guard essential habitat for all our birds, those in steep decline will not recover; and others will continue to diminish. Please help us to make sure development is done responsibly and that every choice considers the fate of our birds and other wildlife.We cannot wait. Now is the time to realize we cannot continue to put the human user experience above the needs of our wildlife.
Please sign up for our monthly emails. We will keep you informed about important conservation action issues that need your comments and interesting and educational speaker programs. You will see our free bird/nature walks that promote camaraderie, peace and appreciation for our amazing birds and, hopefully, strive to protect them.
Altruism is our most endangered ideal, and indifference its largest threat!
Please help us help our birds survive.